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Killer Creatures Down Under: Horror Stories with BiteAustralia is home to some of the deadliest animals on the planet. These stories explore the different terrors that exist in our fair nation, and are sure to terrify the toughest of tourists.My story, Ixodes Holocyclus, will make you think twice about going camping...
Banned from reading Goosebumps novels in the primary school library in 1996, Ben took to a life of subterfuge. It was unthinkable that he wait until he was 10 (the age decreed by the school staff). He would wait until the librarian was occupied, and, shielded by a book on gardening, greenhouses, or perhaps Gregorian chants, would devour Goosebump after Goosebump, reading only the first and last chapter of each book.Ben completed a Masters in Writing through Swinburne University of Technology in 2021. Since then, he's been writing horror stories whilst working full-time in his day job as a neurological physiotherapist.When he's not writing, he's drawing, reading, scrawling notes in other books, or spending time with his amazing wife who thinks horror stories are silly.He's currently working on an original collection of horror stories.

Survive the Night: Three at Dusk, One at DawnThis horror anthology is the result of a terrifying competition. Each story contained within is a story of horror and loss.
Each story starts at night, with three characters pursued by an external horror. Only one will survive through dawn.My story, Formalin, will make sure you never want to step foot in a laboratory ever again.